4. Development, Databases and Daisy


Avoid the Exclusion Zones that Afflict Web Development Projects

Sitemap, Pipeline and Components prevent developers treading on each others toes


They are more likely singing off the same Hymn Sheet

SQL Transformer Injects Relational Model into the pipeline DOM

SQL Query result-sets returned as XML was early way of leveraging power of XSLT into Web applications

Typical usage would use JX Generator to enrich the XML FILE WITH request parameters. The second stage of the pipeline invokes the SQL Transformer

XSLT Transformer usage below outputs <sql:> namespace elements that contain SQL queries

The parameters of these queries can be drawn from the input document, passed in from the sitemap and derived from XPath (2.0 in this case)

<xsl:template match="team">
<xsl:param name="period"/>
   <sql:query>select appointmentref from
      where a.clientuid=c.clientuid and  
      substr(char(appointmentdate),1,16) = '<xsl:value-of select="$period"/>'
      and a.ACTIVE=1 and c.SOURCECODE in
      ('<xsl:value-of select="sources/source" separator="','"/>')

Daisy is a CMS that offers rich out-of-the-box functionality combined with solid foundations for extensibility and integration.

©Cocoon Technology Ltd